Wonder Woman Logo From Today’s Filming!

Thanks to our good friend Christopher Cooley, we have our first look at the logo for the new Wonder Woman TV series.

It’s probably temporary, but this is what you’ll see on the backs of the crew chairs:


  1. MikoPike

    This logo is totally the opposite of what I had been expecting. I thought they would use something antiseptic and minimalist but this is colorful and retro, not to mention delightfully ostentatious. I love it. It’s actually too bad that it might not be the final logo in my opinion.

  2. A bird in the logo? I’ll go with it. I like the stars in the letter ‘o’ in the name. I’m most surprised by the dimensions of the logo. I didn’t expect it to be as long as it is in the pic.

  3. AMAZONs?

    Who are they casting to be the Amazons on Paradise Island? Anyone know???

  4. Carlos Faria

    Hi, I would like to see Lynda carter participate in this film too.Don`t disappoint the fans of Lynda Carter, the original Wonder Woman in the world certainly the movie will be a success…look before!

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