David E. Kelley Admits Wonder Woman Pilot Mistakes In New Interview

At the recent Television Critics Association press tour, The Hollywood Reporter‘s Lesley Goldberg caught up with David E. Kelley, the writer/executive producer behind the 2011 Wonder Woman TV pilot for NBC, where he admitted that the pilot, as it was, was not perfect.

“We made mistakes with ours,” he said. “My only regret is we were never given a chance to correct them. We had a lot that was right about it and a great cast. In time, we could have fixed what we had done wrong, we just didn’t get that chance.”

He is, however, happy that The CW is giving Wonder Woman another go, possibly, with Amazon. “I’m sad we didn’t get to do it but I do believe it can work for The CW. They’re smart to try it,” he said to the Hollywod Reporter. He also would be willing to try it again, if The CW take does not work. “I would. It’s different for me, it’s a genre that I have a lot to learn about,” he said. “At this point in your life, everybody should do something that they’re scared of; I was a little scared of it, I remain a little scared of it and be happy to wade into the fear again.”

You can read the entire interview – including some of the reasons Kelley believes Wonder Woman 2011 did not work – at THR.


  1. class of fitness

    I don’t think he should try again, just let the worse comes the worse.

  2. Kelly got this so wrong. So very very wrong. There’s no way he should have been given any more time with this project. The whole thing was just a disaster. In fact, his comment ‘we got a lot right’ seems glaringly inaccurate as I couldn’t find much that was right about this hideously conceived show…

  3. Richard

    I really hope CW picks this up and gives Wonder Women a chance! People are ridiculous! I think she would have made a great Wonder Women!

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