Adrianne Palicki Talks About The Experience Of Playing Wonder Woman

Adrianne Palicki Talks About The Experience Of Playing Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot will be Wonder Woman in the new sequel to Man of Steel, but the last time anyone saw a Wonder Woman in live action, and the reason this website was created in the first place, was actress Adrianne Palicki.

Palicki played Diana Prince/Wonder Woman/Diana Themiscyra (don’t ask) in the ill-fated Wonder Woman pilot for David E. Kelley in 2011 that did not go beyond the pilot stage. Despite the pilot not hitting the air and getting a critical drubbing from fans who were able to see it, Palicki is upbeat about the experience.

“I got to play Wonder Woman which was, by the way, maybe one of the coolest things ever,” Palicki told IGN recently on the set of the upcoming film John Wick.

“I was devastated when it didn’t go and it was expected to,” Palicki continued. “It was one of those things that was shocking. But in retrospect it was probably a blessing. It would’ve been a really hard thing to shoot. And I got to wear the costume — I should say, I got paid to wear the costume! So not many people get to say that. [laughs] I’m really blessed to have gotten to do that and maybe someday down the line I’ll get to play that character or another awesome icon again.”

Palicki – who also played a version of Supergirl on Smallville and a siren in the Aquaman TV pilot – didn’t tell IGN if she’s received any superhero scripts lately, though she did make a joke that she’s “waiting for Supergirl.”

You can read the IGN interview with Adrianne Palicki here.


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