More Wonder Woman Pilot Casting News

Some more, very brief pilot casting news from the Wonder Woman front…

Geoff Meed (Resident Evil: Extinction) will be playing “McRaven,” who is apparently Veronica Cale’s security/trainer.

Andre Brooks plays “Officer Jones” in scenes that were recently filmed in Hollywood.

Jeannine Cota plays “Jenna Hue.” Looking at her IMDb resume, we wouldn’t be surprised if she’s playing a reporter.

Playing costumed characters in the Hollywood scene were Willam Bell as a Fake Marilyn Monroe and Chuck Hosack as a Fake Darth Vader.


  1. Ravenwolf

    Oh my God, Jeannine Cota is in this!! FAIL!! And Geoff Meed, the mutant Kevin Dillon. Post interesting news please.

  2. Rima Fakih

    I have decided that unfortunately…this show will FAIL and I mean BIGTIME.
    I have been watching and reading…I think David bit off more than he can chew and maybe, just MAYBE – they should have read other actresses for the part of WW. Adrienne was the only actress they considered — people are not taking to her because she doesnt have the facial beauty nor the structured body type to be WW…she is a good actress, I will give her. But she isn’t MAJESTIC.
    Unfortunately…for WW to return to television SUCCESSFULLY…she has to be majestic.
    Adrienne is not. Everything looks cheesy…from the glitter lasso to the new castings. It’s a FAILfest from where I sit.
    I don’t think this will see the light of day.

    • Ravenwolf

      Majestic?! WTF?! Lynda Carter wasn’t Majestic, she had huge T!TS! That was all. For all of you holding onto Carter’s show as if it was the coming of Christ, hate to break it to ya, that show was and still is, a “Cheesy” experience. David bit off more than he can chew? Why, all you have seen from this is her running around via bad Paparazzi footage. We’ll see though won’t we. Only time and viewer will tell.

  3. Scwank

    And I don’t think Adrianne Palicki was the only one who read for it, either. First, there is at least one other reading that is on YouTube, by another actress. Second, Kelley stated in an interview that he had started to give up on finding a statuesque actress who could also act (thought he’d just have to go with a good actress who didn’t have all the physical attributeds), and then Adrianne came in to read for the part, and he said he just knew. All this talk is a bit silly until we’ve actually seen something. I hope that Wonder Woman is more than just the peripheral stuff that people are picking on.

  4. Rima Fakih

    Just kidding
    I think the show will be a hit!
    I can’t wait to tune in!
    Who’s not going to watch this unfold – i am excited!

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