Brett Tucker Cast In <em>Wonder Woman</em>; Is This Steve Trevor?

Brett Tucker Cast In Wonder Woman; Is This Steve Trevor? is reporting that actor Brett Tucker (Neighbours, Legend Of The Seeker) has landed a role in the Wonder Woman pilot, but at the time of this writing, we don’t know exactly what that role might be. Maybe an update is coming at Deadline.

Could this be our Steve Trevor?

Thanks to Rommel for the tip.


  1. MikoPike

    Well I am not familiar with this gentleman’s acting, but if he is cast as Steve my initial impression is gold star to the casting director. I loved Lyle Waggoner as Steve on the original series and his chemistry with Lynda Carter but he never looked like the comic character to me.

  2. Brett Tucker is an Australian actor, having appeared in several major TV shows here like Neighbours, McLeods Daughters, plus he is a customer at the video store I work in. He’s about 6ft2, piercing blue eyes, and was up to play a recurring role in the third series of Spartacus, but lost that spot, thankfully.

  3. MikoPike

    Thanks for the info bulion. If he was trying out for a role in Spartacus and he is well known in Australia, I doubt he would try out for a role in the USA just to be slumming it as an extra, he’s probably cast as Steve. Cool.

  4. ctmcleod

    Brett Tucker has a great comedic ability and an awesome dramatic talent. You will all like him as Steve!

  5. Rob Olivera

    I’m impressed with the choice! Hope he’s good enough an actor not to laugh at the blue lycra pants.

  6. Adam

    Holy crap! I really hope Mr. Tucker gets this role. He was one of my favorites on Mcleod’s Daughters.

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