Wonder Woman Will Shut Down Hollywood Boulevard

Wonder Woman Will Shut Down Hollywood Boulevard

Again we’re not going to be making a habit of reporting filming locations, but this is exciting news which may say a bit about the scope of this pilot.

Comic book and Wonder Woman historian Andy Mangels has gotten a hold of details that the Wonder Woman production will be closing Hollywood Boulevard near the Hollywood & Highland complex for three days in a row, starting on Tuesday, March 29. Lanes will be closed for the production which also should imply a lot of money is going into this.

Most of this closure will probably involve Wonder Woman chasing someone through the crowds and running into several costumed folk and tourists, including a Wonder Woman impostor wearing the classic costume. There’s also an “Iron Man” impersonator in the script, so we’re hoping that changes to a DC character. Personally speaking, I’d love to see someone dressed as Smallville’s “Blur” as a bit of an inside joke.

If the new series costume has not leaked by then, it surely will after this very public filming sequence.

Thanks to Christopher Cooley for bringing this to our attention, and thanks again to Andy Mangels for putting out this news. You can see his website at WonderWomanMuseum.com.

(We here at WonderWomanTV would love to check out the pilot shoot at some point. Is there anyone here reading who’d like to extend an invitation? E-mail us… anything seen will, of course, remain confidential, unless the person that’s extending the invite wants a story about it.)

1 Comment

  1. MikoPike

    Well, hopefully this means that we can look forward to some good production value. With the resources called into play to pull this off the production is probably not being done on the cheap. I have to take a small exception to the article, though, and say that Wonder Woman running into an ersatz Iron Man is perfect. I was just at a department store and there’s a whole section of just Iron Man toys and no Wondy to be found anywhere. He’s the perfect character to illustrate market (over)saturation, while needling the competition. If this show gets picked up for a season maybe that will turn around and Wondy can turn up the marketing with a little help from the WB promotion machine.

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