Lynda Carter Reveals Her Costume Preference; Plus, A Possible Cameo?

Lynda Carter recently appeared on The Talk, where she did the iconic Wonder Woman spin and talked a little bit about the new Wonder Woman TV show… including the costume.

Here’s a clip, courtesy of AOL:

Regarding the costume, Carter revealed that she did like her own costume the best. “They were trying to update with the way we’re all doing leggings now, and skinny jeans, so I think it’s kind of trying to do that.” With that said, Carter seems confident that David E. Kelley will do something good. “David E. Kelley is full of surprises, so you never know what’s going to happen,” she continued.

A MTV News report implies that – although not seen in this video – Carter has hinted that she may have something to do with the new series. “I’ve talked to David E. Kelley, who’s a brilliant writer, a number of times and we’re hoping to plan something. But I cannot reveal….” she is reported to have said.


  1. John Burton

    I watched the clip on TV….she did say the very thing at the end….she said they are hoping to include her in the show, but she cannot talk about it at this point.

  2. elza

    Of course she does, the new costume is ridiculous!

  3. MikoPike

    How fun! With all the hints being dropped I can only believe that Lynda Carter will be appearing at some point (ostensibly as Hippolyta) on the show. I mean, only all of western civilization wants to see her involved in the project. She made some interesting points about the new costume and its modern sensibilities, and although like her I prefer the original, her comments about David Kelley, combined with recent quotes from Robert Greenblatt that the classic shorts will make an appearance, tell me to be ready for spontaneous costume revelations once the show hits, as well as hopefully a thought provoking new direction. It was just phenomenal to see Lynda Carter do the world famous spin she popularized one more time, as always, a class act.

    • Nico

      She is and always will be WONDER WOMAN no one even now can even touch her beauty!!! She still looks amazing!! I love you LYNDA!!!!!

  4. mike

    Think it would be great to have Lynda Carter actually as her mother and have an episode where she has to come out of retirement to help her daughter as the original Wonder Woman. They could give her a longer skirt and update her costume so that it is not quite as revealing. She is still in great shape and I think this is how the show could be grab more viewers.

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