<em>Wonder Woman</em> Pilot Casting Call

Wonder Woman Pilot Casting Call

DC Women Kicking Ass has uncovered the casting sheet for the Wonder Woman pilot, which is listed to begin shooting March 15 in Los Angeles.

This casting call details who they’re looking for and reveals a bit more about the characters that we will be seeing should Wonder Woman go to series. Enjoy!

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We are committed to diverse, inclusive casting. For every role, please submit qualified performers, without regard to disability, race, age, colour, national origin, ethnic origin or any other basis prohibited by law unless otherwise specifically indicated.

[WONDER WOMAN / DIANA THEMYSCIRA / DIANA PRINCE] Female, late 20s to 30s. A kick-ass Superhero / Powerful C.E.O. / A vulnerable woman. Long flowing black hair, blue eyes. Amazon-like, muscular, an Olympian. The charismatic stage presence of a rock star. A crime fighter. Also, a real woman who yearns to live a normal life. She is accessible and appealing to all people, men and women alike…SERIES LEAD. ASP.

[MYNDI MAYER] Female, open ethnicity, 30s. Publicist, Press Secretary and Wonder Woman’s confidant and nurturing best friend. Worldy and edgy. Sexy and persuasive, her appearance is part of her strength. She is beautiful and put together – dressed expensively in the latest fashions, plus she’s got a bit of bite, clever wit and sass. She’s the prodder of Diana’s social life…SERIES REGULAR. ASP.

[ETTA] Female, open ethnicity, 30s. Diana Themyscira’s always cheerful personal assistant. A bit charactery , but real, pretty and effervescent. She is blindly devoted to Diana. She’s her unrelenting cheerleader, with unwavering, unabated support. On the vulnerable side, she sees the humble and sympathetic sides in everyone, including Diana…SERIES REGULAR. ASP.

[CEO HENRY DEMETER] Male, open ethnicity, 40s. Acting CEO of Themyscira Industries. Grounded, intelligent and deeply devoted to Diana. He runs the day to day operations of the company and acts like an Uncle to Diana although he could be a possible love interest down the line…SERIES REGULAR. ASP.

[STEVE TREVOR] Male, open ethnicity, 30s. A leading man Diana can’t look past. Good looking but a real man. An Army vet, he now works in the Justice dept…SERIES REGULAR, ASP.

[ED INDELICATO] Male, late 30s to early 40s. Stoic and tough, he is a liaison to the police department. Devoted and loyal to Diana, he’s blue collar, a no nonsense kind of guy. A chiseled man who subscribes to the old fashion rules of relationships – men don’t talk much. His job comes first and he wouldn’t make room for the possibility that there is potential romantic relationship with Diana…SERIES REGULAR, 10/13.


  1. LEEE777

    ERIN CUMMING (Spartacus) TAYLOR COLE (The Event) or JODI LYNN O’KEEFE (Prison Break) all perfect for WW! 🙂

    Lucy Griffiths (Robin Hood) TANIT PHOENIX ain’t bad either, anything but the obvious pic of SEEKER girl, shes all freckled up and basically played the same role on that cancelled syfy show. Its like picking Spock boy for Namor lol! : p

  2. edgar

    Of all the names that have been mentioned, Nadia Bjorlin is the one to play Wonder Woman/Diana’s. Not only does she have the look, but the build too. She is the total package. It would be a mistake if they pass over her. I hope that she gets the part.

    • Vincent

      Olivia Wilde
      i reckon she would be perfect for WW

    • CM

      I TOTALLY agree with you!!! Is she in the running? I’ve been saying for YEARS that Nadja Bjorlin would be perfection as Wonder Woman, she has the look, the gorgeous eyes and her voice is beautiful!!!!

  3. Nightstorm

    This is a joke right?? She’s a CEO??? The amazon island has been reimaged as a company????

  4. LP




    • Craig Byrne

      Turns out your Steve Trevor casting suggestion was right!

      • LP

        Thank you for even replying : ) I did like him in Knight Rider and I was sorry the network didn’t renew the show. I was actually very glad to see that they went with an actor that was on their Network before (and that one of the reasons I thought of him).

        I was (and still is) a 70’s-80’s tv shows fan. I grew up with most of the TV & Movie remakes they are doing now: Wonder Woman, Charlie’s Angels, Dallas, A-Team, The Hulk, etc.. and the cancelled Bionic Woman and Knight Rider. Of course the original shows were amazing and the actors were unforgettable…The stories told back then, where well written and executed, they touched us, they were fun, and original.

        So of course it is hard to “fill these shoes” but the new generation is not bad (not bad at all) and people should not judge, well at least not the actors…the Networks, the Producers, The Casting Directors,The Writters ect…Maybe but not the actors, like Sandra Bullock said at the Oscars “actors, act”. Besides look at Smallville, a story we new but could not imagine what would happen in 10 season’s, with wonderful actors and ensemble (congrats, sorry to see it end).

        PS: who ever comes up with an original idea…can send it to Hollywood and make millions, maybe even billions!!!!!!!

  5. I really hope they sign Traci Dinwiddie for the role. She’s perfect, she has the experience, skill and look as well as vunerability. It would be so disappointing if she were overlooked for an audition when she has so much online support.


  6. Tink

    Traci Dinwiddie should be cast as WW! She’s perfect 🙂

  7. Lizzy

    Traci Dinwiddie.
    She has the talent, the looks, the versatility, the understanding, the body and the soul.

  8. Dana

    You should seriously consider Traci Dinwiddie for the role of Diana. I learned of her work from the show Supernatural and thought she was wonderful. After hearing about the WW tv pilot, her’s was the first name that came to mind. She’s sassy and has the presense to pull off the “Amazon” vibe.

  9. Shannon

    Consider Traci Dinwiddie! She’s pretty perfect for the role.

  10. @FaLLeN_AnGeL189

    Traci Dinwiddie is the perfect choice for Wonder Woman. She has the look- long black hair, athletic build and a strong presence and also has the kick ass attitude needed for Diana. The casting director would be silly not to cast her.

    She might be slightly older than some other candidates but she has the wisdom and life experience that could bring real life to this role. I’ve never seen Wonder Woman as a just out of high school, barely legal 21 year old anyway. It’s called Wonder WOMAN not Wonder Girl.

    Dinwiddie for Diana!!

  11. ARivera

    Allow Ms. Traci Dinwiddie to audition and you will not be dissapointed. This woman is a phenomenal human being and tremendous actress. She has the looks, the body and the attitude to play Wonder Woman both on a TV series and a movie.

  12. KendallJaye Collard

    Traci Dinwiddie. She’s got acting chops and she’s got guns. And she’s hot. I think she’ll be able to pull off the dual role no probs. #dinwiddiefordiana!!!!

  13. XultedM

    Traci Dinwiddie is the perfect choice for the next Wonder Woman. Not only does she have the body and the beauty required for the role but also has the charisma and screen presence to breath life into the legend that is Diana/Wonder Woman.

  14. Jachin

    Kryptonsite says that Adrianne Palicki will be playing Wonder Woman…WTF!!! She is freaking blonde!

  15. Anon

    I doubt I’ll be popular for saying this but Adrianne is all wrong for the part. She’s already been in Smallville as a mind-addled teen who claimed to be Supergirl. She hasn’t got enough experience, or the right look. Quite clearly, the casting people weren’t really bothered about picking the right person.

    Nobody wants to see them remake Wonder Woman badly. Congrats to them for not taking the time to consider a better actress. Enjoy the ratings drop.

  16. Chris

    Jennifer connely’ violante placido’ Rhonda mitra’ the girl from 300′ zantana from from smallville ‘
    kristen kruek’ and any other brunette oh there. thanks to the idiot who cast a blonde. give your self 2 pats on the back you possibly ruined the chance for a successful w.w. show for good a fing blonde

  17. blackie

    Hey! Adrianne’s hair can be dyed black, okay?!? Gawd! THINK! Its Hollywood! I happen to agree with the choice. They say the new series is gonna be different…that its gonna be a comedy drama….if that’s the case, fine. Adrianne is perfect for that!

  18. whtukall

    Perfect to play Wonder Woman/Dianna Prince would be Perez Hilton!!! LOL!!!

  19. Kal

    Bridget Regan for Wonder Woman !!! 🙂

  20. Bobster

    Wonder Woman…

    A CEO and vulnerable woman who needs a nurturing best friend.

    What is this crap?

    This deserves to fail.. send a message to the producers that we don’t need a complete rewrite of one of the most famously, iconic female characters.

  21. DAVID


  22. George Lunsford

    How do we send in a resume for the parts?

  23. edgar

    Now that Adrianne Palicki is unfortunatly Wonder Woman, does anyone know if Nadia Bjorlin auditioned?

  24. Don

    As far as I can gather, Adrienne Palecki was the only one who auditioned. I’m guessing she was cast because she was under contract with NBC/Universal/Comcast.

  25. should be

    >>>Wonder Woman…
    A CEO and vulnerable woman who needs a nurturing best friend.

    What is this crap?

    This deserves to fail.. send a message to the producers that we don’t need a complete rewrite of one of the most famously, iconic fe<<<

    Dude, you obviously don't know the Wonder woman mythos very well, do you?

  26. Robert

    not a tv series. . . what the hell, i want it to be a blockbuster movie . come on superman , batman, wonder woman, flash green lantern, aqwaman, and justice league in movies not tv shows.
    look at marvel. . . there all in movies, from blade, x-men, spider-man, fantastic four, iron man, hulk and now thor and captain america and the avengers. . .
    come on DC and Warner Brothers. . . wake the hell up

  27. Jaxonsd

    I just hope that the actress is relatively unknown and actually in her late 20’s. Not some old plastic lady playing young.

  28. chris

    This sucks a blonde I’m not even going to waste my time. Idiots I tell ya
    How about Jennifer connely or Megan gale I’m so pissed

  29. Robert

    Gina Torres should be cast as wonder woman. Tall, Exotic, and can whip some serious tail. Absolutely beautiful

  30. phoenix marvel

    For Updated Information on the Wonder Woman Pilot, Visit-


    She may be blonde as herself. But she isn’t blonde now in her role as Wonder Woman.

    Adrianne is a good choice. Fans always want someone who – Looks the part, has the physicality for the part and has the acting chops and understands the appeal of super-heroes.

    Adrianne- is a comicbook fan (loves Supergirl and Alan Moore written comics.

    -was an Emmy Nominee for Best Supporting Actress for a former tv role so she has the acting chops.

    – is a relative unknown yet NOT inexperienced as an actress.

    And unlike Gina Torres, she looks the part.

  31. phoenix marvel

    …and Adrianne did track & field in high school so she is Athletic. (Yet is NOT bulky looking.) Classy and doesn’t look like an Adult film star like some others.

  32. Kelly

    Actually I should play Wonder Woman. In 30’s. 6′ tall long black/dark brown hair, and blue eyes… I even have been told that I look a lot like Lynda Carter.. and I was mistaken for WW/Carter one time in a Halloween costume. I think when it comes to superhero movies you need actors/actress that you have never hear of… so that way when you see the movie it seems more real.. instead of picturing what other movies the actress has played in before.. Also… when you want to make a sequil, you will get the same actors.. unlike the Batman movie.. need I say more??? Well the Woman they did pick to play WW is from my home town, and same high school.. I just a few years older. 🙂

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