Spotted: Adrianne Palicki On The Wonder Woman Set!

Is this our new Diana Prince?

Check out these two new shots courtesy of WENN:

Adrianne Palicki - Wonder Woman

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Adrianne Palicki on the set of Wonder Woman - 3/19/11. Courtesy of WENN.


  1. MikoPike

    I liked her in the first place, but the more pictures I see of Adrianne Palicki the more oonvinced I am that she is the right choice. Her height, that body, and she even manages to be more striking as a brunette than a blonde, can’t wait to see it all on screen. Obviously these are candids and not in full wardrobe, but her natural beauty shines through. I just hope she has the charisma for this, but I have heard alot of good things about her acting and she has a great cast to work with so I bet she’ll pull it off.

  2. Robert

    OMG she is freaking sexy, are thise her real breast though or did she get a boob job, beacuse in her other shows i swear they were never that big. can’t wait for this

    tom welling smallville shoudlg guest star and some other heros too

  3. wwfan

    She looks great here. Just please rethink the costume

  4. Adam Clark

    She’s going to be GREAT as Wonder Woman.

  5. kalerick

    I am all for her look, I like what Kelly said about her standing up and meeting him eye to eye, that says a lot for me, I didn’t want a 3 foot wonder woman. I think she has the looks to pull it off for sure, she is sexy, but even more she looks strong, she carries herself well. I am eager how she potrays an amazon.

    As far as the costume goes, I think it looks a little like the costumes you pick up from Wal Mart at Halloween. To shiny, looks like plastic. I like certain things of it, I like the pants, better than the swimsuit, I like the eagle, and the rope, but the material, e-gads.

    • Misha Lauenstein

      Shiny is the new black.

  6. Beebs

    According to my source, these two photos were higly staged. They had the recent fiasco involving the botched roll out of the costume picture. She looked terrible, and she did not look in anyway amazonian. (The costume looked even worse but we don’t have to go there; and let’s not EVEN start on the make up).

    She looked more like a stick insect, which doesn’t in any way represent what she looks like in real life; her arms didn’t even look like her arms; she’s not a stick insect in any way. The photo was rushed and a huge error on the part of the production team. They got lots of backlash from it, and are now in crisis mode trying to figure out what to do. To promote acceptance of the actress, they released these photos which are intended to be TOTAL and COMPLETE opposite of what we saw the other day.

    In these highly staged photos, Palicki is in a sleeveless dress, showing she doesn’t have twiggy arms. Her body looks amazonian, and she’s even in white (a color picked because of its association with amazon costumes in many people’s minds). The photos don’t show off Diana Prince per se, but show Palicki makes a great amazon warrior princess. Just look at her body — nothing like what that mistake of a picture put out there the other day. She’s solid as an amazon and was born to play one on TV. This picture proves it!

  7. Phoenyx

    I think Adrianne can definetly pull it off. 🙂 I just wish they would redesign the costume.

    • Beebs

      The public reaction has been swift and very negative. There is NO WAY they are going to go with the costume as it is. They simply can’t. It would be suicidal for the show.

      When you see her again toward the end of the month, I’m betting you aren’t going to see THIS costume.

  8. Becky

    I’m really excited about the Wonder Woman TV show. I even love the new costume. Adrianne looks beautiful in these pictures. I hope somewhere in the future they get Tom Welling to cameo, maybe as some guy in the background with a press badge, or a photo on the wall as some unnamed former coworker and possible former boyfriend. It would be a little Easter egg to the fans in the know. DC would never allow Superman to really appear on the show, but a hint would be fun. There are TONS of secret WW/Superman shippers. I wouldn’t even mind if they cast Welling as Steve Trevor. The shippers would die of happiness. But maybe after the scary shippers of Smallville, Welling wouldn’t want to get involved with any shippers. That’s a shame because not all shippers are as crazy as the Smallville fans.

  9. Rob Olivera

    Although admittedly no Lynda Carter, Palicki has it in the physical proportions. I like the costume design (except pants) but the plastic materials MUST GO for the real costume. I hope that was a prototype costume she photographed in.

    Otherwise I think the flashy colors on screen will be outrageous! Certainly an offset and a departure from Xmen-Like movies where everyone wears black leather. Wonder Woman’s presence on film should SCREAM and this’ll certainly do it.

    This will not be a “remake” of Lynda Carter’s Wonder Woman. It will be a NEW attempt to bring Wonder Woman to television, independent from the 70’s show. As such, I hope fans aren’t expecting any similarities OR even the same SPIN change or theme song.

  10. BH

    VERY Amazonian. Wonderful!!!!! Wow. She has the physical stature and we can see this here. That didn’t come across in that atrocious picture of the new (*pardon me while I vomit*) costume!

    Beautiful pictures. I think this is Diana Themyscira character, not Diana Prince.

  11. BH

    Previously all we saw from that now infamous tragic costume pic was skinny arms, skinny legs, general skinniness, and the overall stature of a stick insect in general. What we saw before wouldn’t be able to stop a shopping cart, let alone a car. This woman looks like she can kick your a$$. AWESOME!!!!!!

    I really wish that they had gone with a real Wonder Woman costume rather than that hideous mess that makes her look like a pole dancer. Wonder Woman is so much better than that.

  12. BH

    Sorry…I continue: So what we saw the other day and what we see now just do NOT match up. It’s as if it wasn’t her in the costume pic. VERY STRANGE. But yeah, this woman looks like an amazon princess. Very real. Very awesome. WAY AMAZING.

  13. Becky

    I’m really excited about the Wonder Woman TV show. I even love the new costume. Adrianne looks beautiful in these pictures! I hope somewhere in the future they get Tom Welling to cameo, maybe as some guy in the background with a press badge, or a photo on the wall as some unnamed former coworker and possible former boyfriend. It would be a little Easter egg to the fans in the know. DC would never allow Superman to really appear on the show, but a hint would be fun. There are TONS of secret WW/Superman shippers. I wouldn’t even mind if they cast Welling as Steve Trevor. The shippers would die of happiness. But maybe after the scary shippers of Smallville, Welling wouldn’t want to get involved with any shippers. That’s a shame because not all shippers are as crazy as the Smallville fans.

  14. WonderFan

    Betting this is Diana Themyscira not Ms Prince.

  15. Rima Fakih

    They are going to use the same person for Diana of Themiscyra and Diana Prince. Hello!

    • BH

      I think the point being made was that she is dressed as Diana Themyscira, not Diana Prince. Their wardrobes will be quite different. It looks like she’s in character as Diana Themyscira. Hello!

  16. Rima Fakih

    She just needs a better butt for those pants…and a TAN! But otherwise looks great.
    Liz Hurley would have been better – 12 years ago.

  17. Belle

    This is better. It’s like the photo of her as WW and this are of two completely different people.

  18. Shadowdancer

    I.. looked at that first picture… and saw this ‘tude going on… and saw this neon lipstick… and saw… not a good match.

    But, this is the first impression.. things can easily change.

    I must admit I have just rented “Stealth” and saw how easily Jessica Biel moves, works, her many talents.

    It seems as if she has both the personality AND the verve to pull this role off.

    This is JUST my opinion. If Lynda Carter thinks the new show is going to be good, hey! You can’t get a better authority than that!

    Again, just my opinion.

    FLASH those bracelets!

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