A Bigger Look At That New Photo Of Adrianne Palicki As Wonder Woman…

A Bigger Look At That New Photo Of Adrianne Palicki As Wonder Woman…

And now we have a larger look at that new promotional photo.

Click on the image or go here to see the enlarged version.

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In this image: Adrianne Palicki starring as the title character in the new NBC pilot “Wonder Woman,” from executive producer David E. Kelley (“Boston Legal,” “Ally McBeal,” NBC’s “Harry’s Law”). The pilot was written by Kelley, who also serves as executive producer with Bill D’Elia (“Boston Legal,” “The Practice,” NBC’s “Harry’s Law”). Jeffrey Reiner (“The Event”) is directing. Based upon DC Comics characters, “Wonder Woman” is from David E. Kelley Productions and Warner Bros. Television. © 2011 NBC/Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All Rights Reserved. Photo Credit: Justin Lubin


  1. Taylor

    Is that the girl that played as “Kara” in that one episode of Smallville? The fake Kara.

      • Alex

        its not thats the girl that played sams girlfriend that was kille my yellow eyes in the 1st episode of supernatural

        • Alex

          it does look at like her though l0l

          • rapierhomme

            Adrianne Palicki played both Kara on Smallville, and Sam’s girlfriend in Supernatural. The reason she looks the same is because she’s the same person!

        • almand3000

          yes she is the one in supernatural as sams girlfriend and she is the same in smallville as fake Kara

  2. Patrick

    I like it! Not sure about the pants though.

  3. Nick

    I liked Lynda Carter’s version better.

  4. Hoserlu

    Pants? Cripes. I hate the pants. How is this an improvement over the original? If I want to see pants, I’ll go to the office.

  5. Rachel

    My eyes hurt. I have just seen the worst WW costume ever done. This is ugly. What were they thinking? Seriously!!!! WTF.

  6. BH

    They really went so far overboard. Simplicity with the tiara, bracelets, belt, and less shiny materials would have been so much nicer. A pterege/battle skirt or something similar as worn in smallville would have been awesome. This is nothing but camp. Batman and Robin in the 60s were a heck of a lot campy than this.

    Love the eagle design and size/scale of the lasso though. That’s ALL they got right.

    I could really scream after seeing this.

  7. AL KENG

    overall its a fairly good costume . im glad its not the new wonder woman costume from the comics.

    however there should be some white stars on the groin area like the old costume ; and the boots should really be red.

    and adrianne is a pretty girl she needs to get rid of the mole . wonder woman does not have a mole in the forehead in the comics!

    • BH

      There is no way that anyone could ever even notice the mole when she is wearing this. They will be blinded from the light reflecting off of her cheap-looking campy costume.

    • Eric

      I like the mole, it gives character, and a cuteness. Tell me your one of those who actually thinks the stick figures on America’s Next Model are beautiful. I like seeing imperfection on women, that is what separates them from all the “perfect” looking women on shows like Vampire Diaries(cough; Twilight clone cough)

      • Adam

        But WW is essentially a goddess and has no imperfection. Imperfections are fine and all, but not on WW.

  8. Jeff Adames

    Being a HUGE WW fan I was extremely nervous when I heard they were going to do a version of the new comic book costume (which I don’t care for all that much). Now that I have seen it I absolutely love it. Although the boots are not red I think it flows very nicely. Great job on the new design!

  9. kelly michaels

    Wonder Girl….not quite Woman,but still pretty

    • BH

      Way too shiny! Wrong matereials. The pants are AWDFUL.

      I’ve been on the phone with several people and the one thing I keep hearing is what Douglas wrote: “…it couldn’ve been worse.”

      As someone who was excited about this show, that makes me sad. Really, really sad. I don’t want to watch a costume that “…could’ve been worse.” Come on!

  10. leadspot

    this is so awefull, I wanna throw up

  11. jose j

    ok…she looks really ugly!!! =/

    • delfina

      Yes, she looks ugly. The costume isn’t very flattering and her chin is sooo big.

  12. Eric

    I like it, I think she looks great, I’m hoping over time the costume will get an upgrade, but its fine for now. Adrianne is a beautiful woman and a fine actress, so hopefully she fills the part nicely.

  13. dee

    Just wish the booth was red..she looks hot, and sexy with that blue booths…but red would add the touch

    • WonderFan

      Yes! For “Wonder Woman: The Porn Parody.”

  14. moviefan

    I still don’t think its that bad. Its a decent mix of classic and the modern suit. Plus who’s to say that we wont see her in other costumes over the series. Plus maybe the suit will get slight chances over a series of episodes. Like the lois and clark superman suit did to it was settled on its final look.

    Plus this is only a promotional photoshot. Not showing how it will be in video processed footage, different camera filters. The lighting/set that all plays into how the suit will fully look like.

  15. Ethan

    Pants are just horrendous. She needs a skirt, and actress needs to be Megan Fox, lol. All I see is that fucking mole. Even in Smallville, thats all I could concentrate on.

  16. MikoPike

    Totally love it. There are, of course, quibbles I could make here or there, but they accomplished the impossible of streamlining Wonder Woman’s look while incorporating all the myriad elements. I got this pic as a text and had to hop online because I couldn’t tell if the tiny pic on my phone was an action figure or a painting or what due to the inspired use of larger than life colors. To me when at first glance I think I am seeing a costume rendering for a comic book, then they have really brought life to the character.

  17. wwfan

    I could cry I dislike it so bad.

  18. Stacy

    Woah…she looks like a stripper…they need to tone that down a lot.

  19. Chris O

    I’ve got two words for this show…EPIC FAIL. The costume is the worst thing I’ve ever seen. NBC should leave this show burried. The CW would have done a better job with Wonder Woman.

  20. Nick

    No tights and red boots? Nobody mentions the tights part. The fetish guys won’t be watching some gal in blue pants.

  21. Where do her cheeks start and jaw begin? Fat face.

    The outfit is rather terrible from the waste down.

  22. jw

    I think its a fine line between overboard and too simple. This is definitely overboard though. i cant see her chasing any baddies without her costume slowing her down or making noise like a seal

  23. Bip

    I like it. It looks like a cross between the old costume and her current costume.

    • WonderFan

      I don’t see the old. I just see stripper.

  24. You need a different costume one that doesn’t have a camel toe, Linda Carter was better looking and her costume was great, and her clothes need to be red white and blue with star. do you think this show going to last as long as smallville i domt

  25. jazzy

    No pleasing complaining fanboys, geeks and nerds. She looks great. Only a true nerd or geek would call her ugly.

    • delfina

      Only a true nerd or geek would call her sexy in that costume! She is pretty, but not with black her and not with that costume!

      • delfina

        sorry, “hair” and not “her”.

  26. Steve

    NBC will get this canned faster than the cape… They suck

    CW would of been grand

    Yeah … She need red boots and lose the pants

  27. hopeless

    They’re right it doesn’t look right, far too plastic in appearance.
    How about she uses jeans with that top and regular trainers until they can get an outfit that at least doesn’t look like its fit only for some parade where the wearer is definitely going to be relieved to never have to wear again.
    No problem about the mole just think they need to rethink the outfit.

    • WonderFan

      Jeans?!! How about a b%#@ch slap? ;-P

  28. Scorpiosailor

    I like the costume a lot but the boots should be red and they could stand to make the pants black like in the new costume in the comics… Overall very good for the transition to television.

  29. james

    Are you being serious? This costume make the actress look like a pornstar, anorexic with big, fake boobs. There is no other way for me to describe it.

    I don’t blame the actress for she is trying to work like all of us. But this fitting will definitely not convince people in general that Adrienne is the embodiment of WW. Everything from makeup, hair, the cheap halloween plastique costume definitely would be successful if this was a porn film. It does not make the actress look flattering and it looks like it is “trapping her”. She does not look comfortable at all.
    The tiara is too small and the bracelets too fake. It should look like metal. The mystical lasso of truth looks like something I found and just painted over it.

    The costume department must have been working on a really tight budget.

  30. james

    oh yea..and the high heels. I thought they dropped that already. I find it stupid for superheroines to run in high heels. Okay, casters type like Jean Grey would be okay. But tankers like WW, a no no. WW is a fighter, not a supermodel.

  31. none

    the blue boots are a horrible idea.. they should have stuck with red.

  32. onio

    disgusting, She is wonder woman for god sake!!!

  33. she is not ugly, just the outfit. Needs to be less PC, She is an amazonian princess for the sake of justice.

  34. frenchyjojo

    What the hell is that ????? My god i’m blind now !
    A pant ??? Blue boots ??? She should be blonde also don’t you think ???
    Seriously, the bust is really good and…that’s all
    I hope it’s not definitive…or unless for the very first season….eventually

    • Rima Fakih

      Since when is WW blonde, dummy.
      Try reading the damn comic sometime, mkay??


  36. TickleOnTheTum

    Wow that is awful! Fake boobs and a porno film costume! Fake boobs are a complete turn off! She really does look like she’s stepped out of a parody!

    We won’t be watching this that’s for sure! Such a shame as it could have been so good!

    I foresee this being popular with teenage boys who still live at home (in the basement probably), but I don’t see this getting more than one season (it’s lucky enough to even get that!)…

  37. Rob Olivera

    People keep saying the word “series”. This is only a pilot. There is no TV show being planned. That will happen based on the ratings for the pilot.

    I can live with this look if they MUST do it their way, and I don’t think it’s the final version of what you’ll see on NBC…

    I loved Lynda Carter’s WW and I think they should’ve gone to a similar look and feel of the costume particularly because they are copying this look from the comic’s current theme, which is temporary.

    I wish Adrianne the best and I’ll be there to watch.

    I’m more concerned with what’ll happen with the powers that bring this show to the air than with what happens in front of the camera.

    • Craig Byrne

      Rob, there is a series being planned. Pilots are made with the intention of going to series. Now, it’s true that a series isn’t a guarantee, but it is definitely the plan so far.

  38. 'Super' Steve

    Bleh! Awful. Where’s the stars and stripes? Don’t like the blue pants. Looks more like Wonder Girl.

  39. robert

    I can’t wait. . . . But. . . . I am mad and very upset that this is not a movie.

    • BH

      Well I am mad and upset that this is the costume they came up with.

      • WonderFan

        I am mad and upset they did this to her.

  40. Dan

    No no no please no… Please pick Bridget Regan. Adrianne Palicki is cute but no Wonder Woman she is more a Black Canary or Huntress. The costume is ok but someone said red boots I agree.

  41. thomas

    i like the costume i prefere her with the pants,the little skirt should be left to the comic books.i really hope the show is a hit but i suppose you can`t please everyone.

  42. Jaqueline

    She looked much better Lois Lane (Erica Durance) in Smallville .. xD Was less bright and saw the skirt is super good …

  43. jazzy

    Smallville survived 10 seasons with bad ‘superman’ alternate costumes. This may not be perfect, but it’s a lot closer than what clark has worn for 10 years. That being said, it could be the reason for the show’s survival. WW is going for the payoff too soon, and with all the negative feedback, maybe they will do a revision come series time.

    • BH

      They need to do a revision first thing 8 AM Monday morning, not at series time! This needs major work NOW. She can’t appear on TV in THIS.

    • Rob

      Smallville only stays around because its ratings are enough for a fifth-place network (The CW).

  44. Gina12123

    The pants would of looked alot better if it was in dark midnight blue color, boots too with added white in it. hope
    the show goes very well in fall.

  45. Eddy C

    They r right the pants need to b darker blue,and the costume also has no sign of greek at all . How about the tiara and belt and bacelets have instead of tacky ww on them but something that looks greek…..like in D C online?Come on people who r making her return ask real Wonder Woman fans……

  46. John

    I must say she looks great. she’s beautiful, and looks tough in the outfit a great combo. I hope this series takes off, but I think it will be difficult what with the success of Smallville. I remember birds of prey didn’t last very long, I’d wager if the cast of Smallville partnered with this for a few episodes it could take off. Have the blur show wonder woman what it means to be a hero, then he could pop back in and help if ever there’s a big boss.

  47. Daniel

    The upper portion of the costume is great but the boots should be red and there shouldn’t be pants. And where are the stars. Wonder Woman’s costume is based on the Flag So I repeat. Where are the stars.

  48. Dan

    looking at the suit again is’t not all that bad. Hopefully they will listen to comments that people write. Maybe this is not the final design. I agree with others that the pants should be darker with white stars on the side. The Boots red with a white line get rid of the “W” logo on them too cheezy. The belt looks cheap and the red Stars need to go or be fixed. The rope looks fake maybe they will fix that too. It’s early so who knows. As for Adrianne Palicki as Wonder Woman not my choice I still believe Bridget Regan from legend of the Seeker would be better she looks alot like Lynda Carter. Look her up on Youtube

  49. BILL

    most of the costume is ok but my suggestions are darker blue for the pants with more stars on them and like everyone else i agree the boots should have been red

  50. Ken

    I think the creators/designers/producers/studio of this show have learned NOTHING from Christopher Nolan. How does cheesy latex/leather make it REAL?? I would expect nothing more than rough leather, brass stars on strips of dark blue leather for a battle skirt, and heavy forearm brass armour for sword fighting, and a gold braided bullwhip, possibly with a R.Crowe/Gladiator like armour headpiece as the “tiara” for more head armour.

    What a laugh. This show will not be realistic enough given current comic hero movie standards. They have learned NOTHING.

    I won’t be watching.

    • Ken

      Also, forget to mention the gold eagle on her chest should be a battle breast plate like solders/generals actually wore.

  51. kalerick

    I have stated before, I like the costume, not just what it is made out of. Looks like something bought from wal mart.

  52. AdamTrek

    I think she looks great. It’s amazing what a built in push-up bra will do to make her curves look twice as big. She’s probably a B or small C-cup, but this costume makes her look like a D.

    I wonder if this WW will have the ability to fly.

  53. rapierhomme

    Hollywood is notorious for changing costumes. Look at Batman. When Tim Burton first directed the Batman franchise, he changed the costume completely. People griped about it then, but everyone accepts the way Batman looks in the movies now. In fact, it’s expected.

    But look at how many other TV shows/movies have changed the main character’s costume: The Flash, The X-Men, Superman Returns, Daredevil. This is nothing new!

  54. fernandorojas

    Sorry but this outfit is a Epic Fail. Hope they can fix it

  55. dnasuperficial

    All I can say is, the costume designer must have been a huge fan of the 90’s hit television show “American Gladiators.”

  56. dnasuperficial

    okay, that and I’ve seen so many cosplayers with better taste and design sense than this.

  57. Mike Burkhalter

    This costume is actually not bad! It would be neat if she changed her costume for season two. They did this with the original Lynda Carter series. Maybe she will wear something
    quite similar to the original series in season two. This would be a very cool surprise for Wonder Woman fans like me!

  58. promi

    She looks like a stripper.
    a cheap one that bursts out of cakes.
    Not good at all!

  59. Sorry to say but she looks like a cheap call girl with that top. Definitely need to do something about those pants and boots too. I think megan fox is hot sure (for who ever said megan fox should be ww) but honestly.. I think Erica Durance would make the best wonder woman. She’s got the body, the looks and the attitude.

  60. RavenWolf

    I can say, this 1st look photo of her isn’t bad, it’s just a first look, not a final look, it was really only shot to prevent a paparazzi from getting one, having said that, if it wasn’t released when it was, the filmmakers wouldn’t have had time to react. The feedback (or vitriol more like it) has changed the look. The filmmakers have listened to the fans and since this photo was released, they’ve changed her boots, pants, hair and make up. I can tell you she looks stunning and is WONDER WOMAN! I know that people when they see it will still find things to rip apart, I guess it’s just in their nature.

  61. supermanfanatic

    yea im not so sure those pants are gonna cut it besides, in all the wonder woman pictures, movies, shows and comics, she never wears pants, it just wrecks the whole idea of wonder woman, they should stick to the original costume, i mean they actress that dies her hair from all the other colors she had in different movies and is put into one of the #1 character’s role in the history of acting the least they could do is get the costume right, sure the design with the eagle is great but where is the wonder woman costume?!!! it’s like a whole new wonder woman, it’s horrible

  62. supermanfanatic

    And in response to wwfan, erica durance i agree, would be the perfect wonder woman, with her attitude, body and smile, but what about her title as lois lane?

  63. supermanfanatic

    i guess the only thing to do is to wait and see, but so far i just find that she is not going to be able to pull this role off so easily

  64. moli

    This is awful! I actually like the actress, she’s a pretty, tall, nice girl, just not in this outfit! First of all, she looks much better as a blonde… but I could overlook that, she looked fine in Criminal Minds as a brunette. What I can’t ignore is this awful makeup, it makes her look like a bad prostitute. Do the people that designed this actually have eyes??? I won’t even talk about the costume, it’s horrible!

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