Podcast Review Of The Actual Wonder Woman Pilot

Talk about being in the right place at the right time.

Scott Carelli happened to be at Universal Studios when he was brought in to screen a TV show pilot that’s in contention for Fall 2011 airing. At first, he thought it was something like House, before realizing that it was the Wonder Woman plilot.

Turns out Scott is also involved with Geekshow Entertainment, and he just recorded a podcast where he talks about what he thought of the pilot. You can listen to the show here.

What did he think?

THR on Wonder Woman’s Chances

The Hollywood Reporter print edition today did a feature on the amount of "heat" behind pilots vying for spots on the Fall 2011 schedule. THR listed Wonder Woman in the…

Wonder Woman Pilot Status Update

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More Pilot Casting News

Michael Rose will be playing the role Gregory Kogen, Veronica Cale's chief lawyer, in the Wonder Woman pilot. Thanks to Peter for the tip!